Monday, January 9, 2012

Winter in the Midwest

I'm a Midwesterner. I grew up in the Heartland. Farm country, cold winters, snow drifts, the whole works! I love living in the Midwest because we have four seasons. Well, we did have four seasons.

The calendar currently says that it is winter. On occasion, the thermometer says that it's winter. It's almost cold enough long enough to make it feel like it's winter. Then we get a day like last Thursday when the temperature nearly hit 60 degrees! In the Midwest. In the Heartland!

We haven't even had a hard frost! People are talking about that. I'm not sure what it means, except that you're supposed to trim your fruit trees. Or maybe you're not. I don't remember the rule. To me it means that it doesn't really "feel" like winter in the Midwest. Sixty degrees is about 40 degrees too hot for winter. It hasn't been cold enough long enough. I miss the snow. I love this big old house looks all cozied up in a blanket of snow. No, I don't have to plow it, and I don't have to shovel it... I just get to enjoy it. In the absence of any real snow, please enjoy this picture of a lovely snowy night from years past... that's all we can do for now.

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