Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Have Followers!

I have followers! Does that scare you as much as it scares me?? I'm working hard to establish this blog and I've just started in with Twitter. I have to tell you it was kind of exciting when I got my first followers! My first follower here is Deanna from Home Haven, and the oldest continuously published newspaper in Illinois is following me on Twitter - no pressure there! Following me... following my words. Viewing the photographs I post. Wow. What a responsibility! What shall I say? Shall I be funny? Inspiring? Heartwarming? Motivational?

Today I'll tell you that I am also a follower. I am following the Journal Courier, Home Haven, and several others. I'm reading what they write and paying attention to their words, and their words may have an impact on my life, positive or negative. Even more than this, though, I am a follower of Christ. I can have confidence that my path is straight when I follow Christ as my leader in life. I wonder... am I reading what He's written? Do I spend as much time reading my Bible and communing with the Lord as I do studying the photos on the blogs and reading others' words? I think not.

Like the children in Peter Pan, we're "Following the leader, the leader, the leader... We're following the leader, wherever he may go."

Are you a follower? Best be sure whom you are following and how closely you follow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome to the social media balancing act. Just wait until you discover Pinterest, it is another great social media platform that is great for sharing travel locations, as well as sharing recipes. I have been reading the blog, and really like your content and pictures. I am looking forward to hearing more so I just started following your blog.

    My name is Marc, and aside for my love of travel and social media, I also work with Bescover. You may not recognize the name, but we're brought to you by the Lanier Family!

    If you would like to connect via twitter, don't hesitate to do so, you can find us on twitter: @bescoverer

    I'm looking forward to tweeting about travel and innkeeping with you, what is your inn's twitter name?

    have a great week.

  3. Nice to hear from you, Marc! Thank you for your kind words. I'm obviously having a time doing any regular blogging! Between Facebook and yes... Pinterest... it can take a lot of time! I'll look forward to reading your tweets. Twitter: @InnkeeperGwenn

  4. Nice to hear from you, Marc! Thank you for your kind words. I'm obviously having a time doing any regular blogging! Between Facebook and yes... Pinterest... it can take a lot of time! I'll look forward to reading your tweets. Twitter: @InnkeeperGwenn

  5. Ok, I just followed you on twitter. Please tweet if you need any tips social media related. If you currently use pinterest, heres a tip. You may want to pin photos of your individual rooms and in the comment field add the price they normally rent for with a "$" in front of the number ex: "$195"...What this does is puts a small ribbon on your pin so that viewers will know the cost; pinterest will also have your pin added automatically to their "gifts" section which may lead to some gifting of stays at your inn.

    Keep up the endless tasks, and remember social media should be fun, so have some real fun with it.
