I've had the opportunity to do a little traveling during the past several months. Here are a few things I've learned:
1) There's no place like Charleston and Savannah in the springtime. However, even in the loveliest cities I missed my porch and gardens in Jacksonville.
2) Hotel housekeeping is a wonderful thing. However, the added expense of room service... not so wonderful.
3) You can hardly beat the mountain view from the second floor balcony at Hyatt Regency Tamaya. However, when one locks herself out on the balcony with two children when the temperature is 95 degrees, it loses some of its appeal.
4) I really miss the young one when she goes to camp in another state. However, road tripping in Kentucky with my husband to fill time while she's away is a lot of fun!
5) One can learn about Native Americans baking bread, weaving, and baking bricks at Tamaya. However, I can stay home and learn about the Civil War and the Underground Railroad practically in my own back yard.
6) Hotel suites can be luxurious and well appointed. However, there's nothing better than sleeping with my head on my own pillow in my very own bed.